by 23hours | Dec 28, 2017
COMPANY ARTIST. TRISTAN KOEPKE Company Artist Artist Biography: Tristan Koepke is a dancer, performer, educator, and bodyworker based in Minnesota. He joined Zenon Dance Company in 2011. He continues to appear in the work of Chris Schlichting, for whom he has worked...
by 23hours | Dec 27, 2017
COMPANY ARTIST. SCOTT METTILLE Company Artist Biography: In his eighth season with Zenon, Scott Mettille holds a BA in Dance from the University of Minnesota. Additionally, he acts as assistant technical coordinator for the company. Since 2008, Scott has also been a...
by 23hours | Dec 25, 2017
COMPANY ARTIST. LESLIE O'NEILL Company Artist Biography: “…her innate contradictions are actually a way of moving.” — Lightsey Darst Leslie O’Neill has danced for Zenon Dance Company since 2006. She began formal training at age 18 at the University of...