ZENON INSTRUCTOR. ARTURO MILES Hip-Hop  Originally from Mexico City, Arturo has been dancing and performing in Minneapolis since the late 90’s. His focus is in Hip-hop, House and Waacking dance styles. His work has been featured at Intermedia Arts, The Cowles...


ZENON INSTRUCTOR. ERIN SHEPPARD Hip-Hop  Erin Shepaprd is an actor, dancer, and choreographer from Minneapolis. Upcoming productions include Urinetown for DalekoArts (choreographer) in May/June 2016, and a dance show in the Twin Cities Horror Festival in...


ZENON INSTRUCTOR. STEPHANIE SHAPSO Hip-Hop Stephanie Shapso has been teaching for the past decade. She brings professionalism and incredible energy to her classes via industry experience working with the Viking Cheerleaders and doing commercials for Best Buy and...
Winter Session | Jan 6-Mar 16CLASS SCHEDULE
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