Youth Need-Based Scholarship

Zenon offers a limited number of youth need-based scholarships each session. The scholarship covers 50%-100% of a student’s enrollment in a single class or camp for one session. A parent or guardian is responsible for the remaining portion of the fee, which must be submitted before the beginning of the session or scheduled through a payment plan. To apply, fill out our online application.

Application Deadline:

Winter Deadline –                 Saturday, January 6

Winter Applications accepted starting November 1

Minnesota Afterschool Advance

Minnesota Afterschool Advance (MAA) is a collaboration between Youth prise and Venn Foundation dedicated to helping families and students access affordable afterschool enrichment programs. MAA works with Minnesota families who meet eligibility requirements and expectations, and uses the powerful Minnesota K-12 Education Tax Credit to pay for eudcational support and enrichment activities. Learn more.

How to participate:

Zenon Dance School is working closely with Youthprise and MAA to provide acessible movement classes. To get started email us with your interest at


For students interested in an intensive study of dance, the Dance Zone program offers unlimited classes plus the opportunity to work and perform with local choreographers for a subsidized tuition. 


The Xchange Program is Zenon’s work/study program that allows students or guaridans to volunteer in exchange for dance class credit.


  • High School & College Student Discount – Students who show valid ID at the Check-In Desk will receive 10% off a 10-Class Card.  
  • Walker Art Center Members receive a $10 discount on youth and adult single class enrollments.
  • Professional Dancers who request at check in will recieve a prorate for drop-in classes. 

*All discounts are available for our virtual movement classes.  Please contact the School Coordinator at for a unique code you can use at check out.

Winter Session | Jan 6-Mar 16CLASS SCHEDULE
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